
Online lecture

Angeliki Tzouvali-Kariotoglou

Thursday, January 16, 2025, 7 pm CET

The first lecture of the “Time for action” series for 2025 will take place on Thursday, January 16th, 2025, at 7 pm (CET). Dr Angeliki Tzouvali-Kariotoglou (teacher of religious education, writer, PhD in philosophy) will present the topic “The presence of woman in contemporary Church life”. This lecture will be also part of the series “Liturgy after the Liturgy”, co-sponsored by Volos Academy, the Holy Metropolis of France, and the Vicariate of French-Speaking Parishes (Vicariat Sainte Marie de Paris et Saint Alexis d’Ugine, Ecumenical Patriarchate). The lecture will be in Greek with live interpretation into French, moderated by Magdalini Thoma (writer, PhD in philology). The link for attending via the Zoom platform is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84913433453 or via the YouTube channel of the Vicariat at https://www.youtube.com/c/lalettreduvicariat.

The lecture, beginning with a brief reference to the place of women in the early Church, will attempt a description of the various types of parishes in the Greek Orthodox Church, and will address the question of healthy spiritual life and its various distortions. It will sketch an outline of women in healthy and unhealthy environments, and will discuss the falsification of Orthodox anthropology in the ecclesiastical practice of the Church, seeking the theological establishment of the limits of heresy in this issue. In conclusion, it will try to present what Orthodox women expect from the Church hierarchy today.

Angeliki Tzouvali-Kariotoglou was born in Messolonghi, Greece and grew up in Agrinio. She studied theology at the Faculties of Theology of the Athens University (Greece) and University of Münster (Germany). She specialized in the teaching of Religious Studies. She taught for 35 years at the Arsakeion Highschool of Psychiko, Athens, where she also served as Deputy Principal. She holds a PhD from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens. With her doctoral thesis “Authority and Freedom in the teaching of Religious Studies” (Grigoris publ., 2009), she gave new impetus to the foundation of the subject based on the Patristic writings of the Church and on the new conceptions of teaching practices. She has written aids for a better understanding of the high school textbooks, and the books: “Man and Woman as Peers” (1984), “Living School” (Akritas, 1997), “The Truth of the Word” (Grigoris, 2015), “Living Water” (Grigoris, 2023), “Leading People, Art of Arts” (Akritas, 2023), and a large number of articles. Her book “Leading People, Art of Arts” was translated into Italian by the Bose Institute Publications. Her success in the field of education consists in introducing orthodox criteria into modern teaching methods based on creative dialogue with students.

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