

On Tuesday, December 10 and Wednesday, December 11, the 4 th Baptist-Orthodox Colloquium which will be held at the Huffington Ecumenical Institute, at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Boston. The topic is the social teaching and spirituality in the two traditions. It will be co-chaired by Dr. Brandon Gallaher (Exeter University, UK) and Dr Elizabeth Newman (Duke University, USA) and the host will be Rev. John Chryssavgis of the Huffington Ecumenical Institute. Dr. Gallaher and Dr. Newman will give the joint keynote address on “Christian Spirituality and Social Engagement.”

Details are available at the link https://huffingtoninstitute.hchc.edu/event/baptist-orthodox-colloquium/. Α PDF file with the programme and a short discussion of the dialogue is available at https://tinyurl.com/baptistorthodox2024 . The event will be live-streamed through Zoom at the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87035232736 and also recorded.

Last year's dialogue will appear in the next year as a volume of Baptist and Orthodox perspectives on the environment.

In a time when the world becomes more mad politically, with the rise of a secularism in Europe ever more estranged from its religious roots, and with Orthodox Christianity drawing inwards to the point of suffocation, obvious in its increasing fragmentation, Ecumenical dialogue is crucial for the life of both the organized Church and of the society that needs religion's moral intuitions to flourish. We do hope that this dialogue will work towards greater mutual understanding and conciliation.

Event Callendar

Events Calendar

"Discussions" with ...

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"Discussions" with Metr. Kallistos of Diokleia on care for animals and the environment

Pan-Orthodox Concern for Animals is delighted to announce its first Webinar on the work of Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia, Read More
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