
Title: “Storm Daniel” strikes Greece (Thessaly and Volos): Living in the Anthropoceneand the role of the Church today

When: November 8, 2023, 3-5.30pm.

Language: English and Greek with simultaneous translation

In early September a particularly extreme weather phenomenon called "Storm-Daniel" affected the wider Eastern Mediterranean region, hitting with unprecedented severity and for a period of 10 days many of the countries in the region, including Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey and Libya. Especially in relation to the region of Thessaly and the city of Volos, the "Storm Daniel" caused incalculable destruction, as the torrential rain flooded houses, destroyed infrastructure, crops and individual properties, even leading to the death of 17 people and hundreds of animals. "Storm-Daniel" was a phenomenon that is considered to have led to a certain reshaping of the geography of the region, greatly affecting the local and national economy of our country.

The "Storm-Daniel", however, did not appear out of the blue. Global warming due to human activity has increased the intensity of rainfall by 10 or more times, turning entire land surfaces into lakes, thus bringing to the surface the insufficient maintenance of various infrastructures, but also other local factors that are possible to turn these unprecedented, it is true, weather phenomena into a humanitarian disaster.

So how could such critical events be interpreted in light of the Anthropocene era? What specific measures can be taken at the local, national and global level to deal with future similar extreme events? What is the role of a local Orthodox diocese in the midst of this disaster? How can the Church contribute to a paradigm shift in terms of lifestyle, vision and dealing with nature? Howa can it contribute to the healing the wounds of the local community?

For whom: The Webinar is interesting for all those people living in Volos, and Thessaly, but also in all places hit by similar catastrophic phenomena, as well as for theologians, clergy, eco-activists, policy makers, anyone who wants to fight against climate crisis.

The webinar is open to the public; registration is required for logistical purposes. Register here.

Webinar Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85872538534

Speakers include:

Metropolitan of Demetrias, Ignatius

Dr. Dimitrios Kouretas, Elected Governor of Thessaly, Professor, Animal Physiology – Toxicology, University of Thessaly

Dr. Frances Kostarelos, Full Professor, Anthropology and Sociology Program, Governors State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences Division, One University Parkway, University Park, Illinois, US.

Dr. Christopher Durante, Associate Professor, Theology Department, Saint Peter’s University, US.

Dimitrios Kollias, Energy Expert, Advisory to the deputy Minister of Environment and Energy

Rev. Dr. Amfilochios Miltos, Chief priest of Green Parish, The Annunciation of Theotokos church, Nea Ionia, Volos.

Moderator: Dr. Nikolaos Asproulis, deputy director, Volos Academy for Theological Studies

Event Callendar

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