18.00 - 18.30 Registration
Session I
Moderator: Dr. Pantelis Kalaitzidis
Director, Volos Academy for Theological Studies
18.30 - 18.45 Opening - Greetings
18.45 - 19.00 Dr. Hans-Peter Grosshans , Dean, Faculty of Evangelical Theology, Münster University, Director of the Seminar of Systematic Theology and Director of the Institute for Ecumenical Theology of his Faculty
Opening Remarks
19.00 - 19.30 Dr. Vasilios N. Makrides , Professor, Erfurt University,
Orthodox Christianity in the Context of Postcolonial Studies
19.30 - 20.00 Dr. Atanas Slavov , Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, Sofia University,
Constitutional Tradition and Orthodoxy: Values and Concepts
20.00 - 20.30
Volos Academy for Theological Studies
PanHellenic Conference
Figures of Christian Narrative Texts:
Theological and Secular Approaches
Thessalia Conference Center, Melissatika (Volos)
May 9-11, 2019
Starting: Thursday May 9, at 6.00 p.m.
Information: and at 2421093553/573.
Registration: complete the online form here
You can complete your registration until May 3 2019.
Larissa Ephorate of Antiquities, in collaboration with Region of Thessaly and Holy Metropolis of Larissa and Tyrnavos, are organizing a Scientific Meeting on the topic “Church and Artistic Production in Thessaly during 16 th century”. The meeting is held on the occasion of closing of the periodic exhibition “Hope and Faith”, hosted in Diachronic Museum of Larissa since 2 December 2018. In this exhibition, important church objects of this period were shown, kindly conceded by the Thessalian
For the first time
Charles Taylor will deliver a public lecture in Athens, Greece
A public lecture will be delivered by the prominent philosopher Charles Taylor, Professor Emeritus of McGill University (Montreal Canada), on June 11, 2018 in Athens (National Hellenic Research Foundation, amphitheater “L. Zervas,” Vasileos Konstantinou Av. 48) at 7.30 pm. on the topic:
“Christianity in the secular age of the West”
In his presentation Professor Charles Taylor will refer to the surrounding
Volos Academy for Theological Studies
Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology
3rd International Musicological and Psaltic Conference
«…ἐν ἐπιγνώσει ὑμνοῦντας Σε…»
(= chanting consciously in praise to Thee)
Prerequisites and Skills for Sacred Chanting
in Orthodox Worship
Wednesday, May 30 (evening) – Saturday, June 2 (afteroon), 2018
Thessaly Conference Center – Melissiatika, Volos, Greece
Press release
After the successful realization of the first two International Musicological